Due to a compatibility issue between Google and Online Doggy software, the cameras may not open.
Follow these simple steps to fix the problem.
If the cameras don't work, check to see if the search bar says, "https://www.onlinedoggy.com"
If this appears, highlight the "s" then delete it - https://www.onlinedoggy.com. Also, make sure the (www.) appears after the (//). If it is not there, add it. After doing so, click on http://www.onlinedoggy.com and it should work.
Also, if the search bar just says, onlinedoggy.com - add the "http://www." in front of it. This will take you to their website. Click at the top where it says "View My Pet," Select "Louisiana," Click on "view camera" to the right of "JCM's Luxury Pet Resort"
JCM's covers the app cost listed below. If clients want to view the cameras from a mobile device like an Android or iPhone phone or a tablet or iPad, then they will need to download the Odoggy app. You can choose a subscription:
30 days .............. $1.99
Full year............. $4.99
On-line Doggy generates this charge, and donates a percentage to a program called "Life Is Better Rescue." http://www.lifeisbetterrescue.org/
"JCM's will cover our clients cost of downloading the app. We will deduct the amount of the plan chosen, from the invoice."
Owners can view their dog in our play yards 24 / 7, at no charge. Owners wishing to have their dog stay in one of our webcam equipped indoor / outdoor runs, or Luxury Suites with 24 / 7 Indoor Viewing Access, will be charged an additional $3.00 per night.
If the clients want to view the cameras from a computer, an app is not necessary.